Monday, September 08, 2008

Caleb's Big Day!

Okay, so Hannah and Sarah aren't the only ones with big things going on. Our Big Boy (I'd get in trouble if I called him my Little Guy) started preschool today. He's in the City Kids program at City Church, which is literally six blocks from our house. Caleb was so excited. In fact, as we pulled into our parking spot and turned off the van, he thrust his hands into the air and said, "I'm a City Kid now!!!"

Windows Live Spaces

I think the teachers know that this is harder on the parents than the kids, so they let us stay the first day. We headed into class, met the Teacher Susie and Teacher Monica, read a few books, played with some pretty sweet toys, and painted a "homework bag."

And what would preschool be without some "circle time." Songs were sung, hand motions were practiced, and the day ended with a stamp on the hand - or both hands if you wanted. Caleb loved every minute.

Tomorrow we have to just drop him off and let him go to school by himself. Just him. Without us. It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not fair! And yet, somehow, it just seems right.

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