Tuesday, September 02, 2008

She's growing up

The bus is coming! The bus is coming!

Sure enough. There it was - heading down our street. The big, yellow bus that would change our lives forever. I'm sure the driver and the assistant she had for the first day are nice enough people, but they were there to take away my Peanut.

Seems like a blink since Sarah was as tiny as her week-old sister, 2008-09-02 001 2008-09-02 026Hannah. And there she was, climbing aboard the bus, turning toward us for the obligatory wave, yet clearly more interested in what was to come. The thud of the closing doors. The hiss of the breaks releasing. And off she went. The first day of Kindergarten. 

I am proud. I am excited for her. I am sad. I am scared for what she will face. I am angry at the kid on the playground who will say something that will hurt her tender heart. I am confident she is ready for this next phase of life. I am overjoyed to see the twinkle in her eye as she talks about "her school." I am thrilled at 3:01pm when she comes through the door of her school and runs into my arms shouting "Daddy!" In my arms - right where she's supposed to be.

Oh yeah...and on the walk home when I asked her to tell me her three favorite things about her first day of Kindergarten, the first word out of her mouth was, "Recess!"

That's my girl.


colleen said...

I loved reading this post....I remember my daughter's first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday! Looks like she was pretty excited about it Dad!
congrats on the new baby as well....

Keith Ferrin said...

Yes...it's amazing. We're loving having a new little one around the house. Although it won't hurt our feelings to sleep again...